Notice Jan 4, 2012
The water is now safe for comsumption
Thank you for your patience.
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Jan. 2nd at 7 PM in the Community Center. First meeting of the New Year. Meet the new officers. Pay your dues, $4, and get a free ticket for Jan. dinner. Come a little early for coffee and cookies.
Kaffee Klatch - Jan. 7th at 9 AM in Taylor Hall - First of the new year. Join your neighbors and board. Please, please, please give us your ideas of fun things you would like to do this year.
Jan. 21st - Dinner at 5:30 PM in the Community Center - Hot soup and Sandwiches for a Cool Winters Night. Pay your dues of $4 and get a free ticket. Tickets for a donation of $3 available at the meeting Jan. 2th, Kaffee Klatch Jan. 7th or the 14th at Taylor Hall between noon and 2 PM.
Warning, Warning, Warning-----Feb. is the shortest month but it is going to be busy. Super Bowl * * Valentines Day * * Mardi Gras
Date: January 6, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Where: Community Center
Everyone is welcome