1 Mile West of I75 on US27

1 Mile West of I75 on US 27
Ocala, Fl 34482
(352) 726-4418

An Active Retirement Manufactured Community

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Volume 36 Number 1 January 2012

Notice Jan 4, 2012

The water is now safe for comsumption

Thank you for your patience.

Read this newsletter online at


Jan. 2nd at 7 PM in the Community Center. First meeting of the New Year. Meet the new officers. Pay your dues, $4, and get a free ticket for Jan. dinner. Come a little early for coffee and cookies.

Kaffee Klatch - Jan. 7
th at 9 AM in Taylor Hall - First of the new year. Join your neighbors and board. Please, please, please give us your ideas of fun things you would like to do this year.

Jan. 21st - Dinner at 5:30 PM in the Community Center - Hot soup and Sandwiches for a Cool Winters Night. Pay your dues of $4 and get a free ticket. Tickets for a donation of $3 available at the meeting Jan. 2th, Kaffee Klatch Jan. 7th or the 14th at Taylor Hall between noon and 2 PM.

Warning, Warning, Warning-----Feb. is the shortest month but it is going to be busy. Super Bowl * * Valentines Day * * Mardi Gras


Date: January 6, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Where: Community Center
Everyone is welcome


These classes are to help keep your body toned, keep your muscles flexible and your joints moving.
Since we are all over 55, we will keep them simple, and have a good time. We will break every 15 minutes.
These classes are just for fun. If you use a walker bring it, and if you need to hold on to a chair, that will work too.
Please come and give it a try, you may find that you like it.